i love this game! i like how the shit starts to move really gets super fun to throw rocks at multiple shits at the same time.i feel like im badass at something.haha and thats throwing rocks at shit
i love this game! i like how the shit starts to move really gets super fun to throw rocks at multiple shits at the same time.i feel like im badass at something.haha and thats throwing rocks at shit
this game is perfect...the graphics are really well done and flawless..the storyline is great and ends the way it should..
this is pretty badass
(dam son)!!-ebT-gaa-gbT-cbT-cbE-ubK-hby-gd u-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-f,!!-aaa-cab-caa-cac-
ckA-cki-gja-ugX-heC-cnN-cnN-cnN-cnN-c nN-cnO-cnN-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-L,ad-aaa-cab-c an-cap-cco-ceZ-gdh-chC-afZ-cep-cep-ce p-cep-cdY-dem-gex-gex-gex-aexex-dex-Z -Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-H,af-aaa-cab-cav-cbi-ckA-c ki-gip-cnt-ijY-cjY-ciJ-hkb-ckd-apt-ca c-cav-cac-cav-cad-caF-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-J
it was good.
but here are some tips that would make this game GREAT!
1.add music.
2.add sum kinda upgrading sytem to the higher gravity upgrades and such.
3.everytime u upgrade the star, it gets bigger an brighter.
4.make the planets look like planets not just bunch small an big yellowish dots.(earth like planet,mars looking planet,venus, jupiter ect)u get the idea..
5.add sum sandbox thing or sumthin like -darktyreal- said.
6.u could prolly add sumthin like on one of the higher levels of the game where on at least one of the planets theres a colony that recognizes ur dangerous star an they try to destroy could like like tiny dot sized ship for all i would make the game look wicked awsome..
well i loved this game but what those suggestions i placed for you would make i game that i would really pay a couple bucks for to play =] good work though
All good suggestions. Thanks.
this game is really great.i liked all the momentum missle mahems but this was was spectacular. =].just wished i could have sumthing to upgrade
my favorite game on newgrounds.this is spectactuler
this games very good.
but the high cost of base repairs sucks ass..
repair men suck ass..
not having the knowledge of what the tower guns can do pretty much skrewed my game..
fix this up an it should be a game id be stuck to forever
pretty cherry
i thought it was fantastic
im a big fan of zombie shit an i have to say this was unbelievable.really really really good stuff man.please make the continuation of this!!!
the only thing i liked about this game was the song.what was the song?
it was written by Yoyo Snap,
Age 34, Male
Joined on 8/28/07